Saturday, May 24, 2014

His Right Hand / Silence O’Shea

Reviewed by: ?wazithinkin

Genre: Erotic Romance

Approximate word count: 20-25,000 words

Kindle  US: YES  UK: YES  Nook: YES  Smashwords: YES  Paper: NO
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“Silence O'Shea lives in a tiny woodland town in the extreme Northern U.S., where the lusty locals generate enough heat to melt the polar ice caps. As in any good Catholic town, dirty deeds are afoot behind closed doors. Some people just have to share their exploits--and Silence is a superb and trusted listener. She’ll never spill secrets, but that doesn’t mean she can’t use the naughtiest bits and most colorful characters as inspiration for her work.”

For more, visit her website or Facebook page.


Mike Jasper is a great catch on paper, but according to his dissatisfied exes, he's sorely lacking in the bedroom. Desperate for help, he turns to his longtime right-hand woman, Ellen. To Jasper's surprise, she's hiding a hot vixen beneath those business suits, and his office quickly becomes a pleasure den. He's learning more than he ever dreamed possible...including lessons in love.


The opening scene is hysterical, Suzy has had enough of Mike Jasper’s selfish Neanderthal behavior in the bedroom and makes it perfectly clear she is finished with him when she throws his overpriced clothes, shoes, and phone out the bedroom window. She then calls Kitty, her Irish wolfhound, to play tug-of-war with his pants. The dialogue is genuine as Suzy rants and Mike tries to reason with her. I also enjoyed the insertion of Mike’s thoughts as he watched the escapades around him and laughed when Mike’s chauffeur, Wade, recognizes a familiar situation when he picks him up from Suzy’s house. Wade has been his driver since he was twelve years-old and with twenty years of service he feels comfortable speaking quite frankly to Mike.

When Mike confides in Ellen and asks for her help, I was a little reluctant to believe that she would agree to help so easily. However, there is a brilliant twist in the plot that is revealed later. Ellen has been Mike’s assistant for ten years and he relies on her heavily when it comes to running his business. She is intelligent, competent, and shrewd. She knows exactly how to get through to him. It was satisfying watching Mike Jasper’s transformation and one of my favorite quotes is when he laments this truth. “When it comes to knowing someone’s heart, turns out sex isn’t personal enough.” This novella was well written, lots of fun, thoroughly titillating, and I loved the ending.


Explicit sex and language that may not be acceptable for all readers.

Format/Typo Issues:

I found no issues at all.

Rating: ***** Five stars

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